Sciatic pain is normally associated with mild to whipping pain in the lower back and other region of the body. It is the pinched nerve pain which occurs due to the compression at the base of the spinal cord. The sciatic nerve has a network connection with all other nerves in the body making the whole system more intricate. It starts from the spine and passes through the hips, thighs, knees and reaches ankles. It is through this channel that the twinge spreads down to the legs. When the pain reaches the ankles through the knees, it is recognized as sciatica. There may be other inherent causes which are associated to another nerve called herniated disc pain.
Sciatica can reduce your normal daily activities considerably in general by lessening your physical mobility. The continual pain may prolong to one or two months depending on the body condition with inherent cause. However, you need not have much concern over any symptoms of sciatica and lose hope since the pain can be subsided with proper care and treatment. You have many treatments for sciatic nerve pain relief, both clinical and home based, which can help manage and cure sciatica. Here you have the natural treatment for sciatica pain almost with zero cost. Be sure, they are home based treatments for sciatica which cost nothing.
Dual rest: It is highly home based to relieve your nerve discomfort as suggested by physicians is to avail sufficient body rest on bed and feel relaxed. Rest here doesn’t mean lying on bed to hours together lazily. You may have some relaxed activities like reading books and looking at TV while at rest. The rest along with relaxed activities in general without straining your body is known as rest in dual role. However, taking dual rest alone cannot solve your problem as a whole.
Physical exercise: Next to rest, sciatic nerve exercises are recommended by physiotherapists to prevent future recurrence of the problem. Such exercises are mainly aimed at improving your body condition for free mobility with ease. This is achieved by strengthening the muscles around your lower back. If the exercises are wild, then you will be feeling an increased twinge. So, mind it to be mild in exercise for sciatic pain.
Home remedies: Physical exercises build up your body and relieve muscles pain connected with sciatica. You have Yoga, Meditation and Breathing exercises which are different from normal exercises. They improve the functioning of the internal organs and reduce the sciatica pain. In meditation, both the body and mind are relaxed. Breathing exercise ensures effective functioning of the lungs. Applying ice pad to the painful area helps in reducing sciatica pain considerably and it is purely a home based treatment with zero cost.
If you want to have a total cure for your sciatica, you should know the exercises to relieve sciatic nerve pain along with home based treatment AND the supporting medications.
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